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Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: Should You Hold Your Scholarships

Should You Hold Your Scholarships?
1. Is Holding Scholarships Worth It? In most cases, holding onto scholarships is not worth it. While there is a case for elite schools aiming to secure top-tier recruits, it's generally more effective to offer scholarships early. This is especially true in Week 1, where your options are limited to scouting and offering scholarships.

2. Scholarships Are Valuable: Offering scholarships in Week 1 is the best value in recruiting. It’s a low-cost way to boost a player's interest in your school over time. Even if you don’t spend much time on a recruit after the initial offer, the scholarship itself keeps their interest growing week by week.

3. The Chip Damage Analogy: Think of offering scholarships like landing small hits in a fighting game—each hit (or scholarship) may not seem significant, but they add up over time. This cumulative effect can help you win recruiting battles, even if the initial investment seems small.

Conclusion: Offer scholarships early and strategically. Don’t worry too much about holding them for the perfect moment, as the randomness of instant commits makes it difficult to predict outcomes. Instead, focus on maintaining a strong recruiting presence from the start and utilizing your coaching abilities to maximize your chances of success.

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úterý, 10. září 2024 | Rozemondbell

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