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Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Steps for Plundering Sainte-Amelie

Steps for Plundering Sainte-Amelie:

Destroy the Defensive Towers: The initial phase of the plunder involves taking out two defensive towers. The tower on the left is relatively easy to destroy. Use high-powered fire-based weapons, such as the Fire Bombard I, to target the top of the tower for a quicker takedown. The right tower, however, is more challenging. Maintain a safe distance and use long-range attacks to avoid direct confrontations and minimize damage to your ship.

Handle the Waves of Ships: After destroying the towers, prepare for a series of waves featuring high-level enemy ships. The first waves include smaller, aggressive ramming ships that can inflict significant damage upon impact. Take these out first, then focus on the larger ships that follow. There are a total of five waves, so be prepared for an extended and intense battle. Utilize repair kits as needed to maintain your ship's condition throughout the fight.

Finding and Defeating La Plume
Once you have successfully plundered Sainte-Amelie, your next objective is to locate and destroy a high-level ship named La Plume. Sail to the Southwest Passage and use your spyglass to search for La Plume. This ship is heavily fortified, and defeating it will be a challenging battle. Ensure your ship is well-prepared for this encounter with upgraded weapons and ample repair kits.

Returning to Sainte-Anne
After defeating La Plume, you can either sail back to Sainte-Anne or use the fast-travel mechanics available at outposts to expedite your return. Once back in Sainte-Anne, locate Anja Rakotomang at the Warehouse. Speaking with her will complete the "Turning the Page" investigation.

If you want to explore more about the game, additional details can be found at this link:(

pátek, 2. srpna 2024 | Rozemondbell

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