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Mmoexp Path of exile currency: Each Crossbow comes with its own set of firing skills

Crossbow Skills

Each Crossbow comes with its own set of firing skills:

Rapid Shot: Functions similarly to an assault rifle, delivering quick, successive shots that are ideal for taking down groups of enemies.
Power Shot: Acts like a sniper rifle, dealing heavy damage to single targets with slower, more powerful shots.
Burst Shot: Resembles a shotgun, offering a balanced firing rate and area of effect for medium-range combat.

You can equip two Crossbows simultaneously, allowing you to switch between different firing skills fluidly during combat. This setup enables you to adapt your strategy based on the situation—clear out mobs with Rapid Shot or focus on high-damage targets with Power Shot.
WASD Movement System

In a notable shift from the traditional click-to-move system, Path of Exile 2 introduces WASD movement. This allows for more intuitive and flexible character control, especially in high-stakes combat scenarios. You can use WASD to move while keeping your mouse free for targeting and skill management.
Transitioning to WASD

For returning players, the WASD movement system may require some adjustment. However, it also opens up new possibilities for maneuvering and positioning during fights. Players can freely switch between WASD and click-to-move controls, catering to personal preferences and combat situations.

If you're interested in learning more about the game, you can find additional information at this link(

pátek, 26. července 2024 | Rozemondbell

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