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Mmoexp CFB 25 Coins: The RPO Glance provides a more traditional passing setup

2. RPO Glance

The RPO Glance provides a more traditional passing setup after the handoff option. The choices here are:

Hand Off: The quarterback can hand off the ball to the running back.
Pocket Pass: The quarterback can keep the ball in the pocket and look to pass.
Scramble: The quarterback can choose to scramble if the pocket collapses.

The key difference between RPO Glance and RPO Read is that Glance often involves a more structured pocket, allowing for a cleaner passing option after the handoff decision.

3. RPO Walk

The RPO Walk involves the quarterback holding the ball longer before making a decision. This allows more time to read the defense and decide between handing off or passing. It works similarly to traditional option plays, with the quarterback holding the ball in the running back's gut before deciding to hand it off or pass.
Key Terms to Know

1. Read: Indicates that the quarterback has multiple options including handing off the ball, keeping it to run, or keeping it to pass. The decision is based on the defensive player's movement, particularly the read key (R).

2. Glance: Suggests that the quarterback will make a decision based on a traditional pocket pass setup, which includes handing off the ball or passing it from the pocket. This type often provides a clearer picture for passing after the handoff option ends.

3. Walk: Refers to the quarterback holding the ball longer, which delays the handoff or pass decision. This can be useful for reading the defense and deciding the best option.

If you're interested in learning more about the game, you can find additional information at this link(

úterý, 23. července 2024 | Rozemondbell

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