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Mmoexp Skull and Bones Items: Cooked Items Grant More Stamina

Skull and Bones Guide – Mastering the High Seas with 15 Tips and Tricks

Welcome aboard, captain! Embark on your journey through the perilous waters of Skull and Bones armed with these essential tips and tricks. From managing resources to dominating naval battles, here’s everything you need to know to thrive as a pirate captain.

1. Cooked Items Grant More Stamina

During your voyages, gather various food items like coconuts and bananas. Cooking these at outposts significantly boosts their effectiveness. For instance, cooked coconuts restore 40% stamina compared to 20% when raw. Stock up and keep your crew energized throughout your adventures.

2. Edit Scroll Wheel for Item Shortcuts

Customize your item wheel early on to swiftly access essential items like repair kits during combat. Assign shortcuts using Triangle or Y for seamless usage in critical moments. Streamline your gameplay by pre-assigning categories like Cooked Food or Raw Food for quick selection.

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čtvrtek, 20. června 2024 | Rozemondbell

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